Little People Big World

Little People, Big World: Amy Commands Caryn to Show Her the Ring On New Season

Little People, Big World star Amy Roloff had a request for Caryn Chandler, but instead, it sounded more like a command in the new season of the TLC series about to roll out.

Little People, Big World: Amy Roloff Rubs Elbows with Matt Roloff

Amy Roloff is about to embark on an event, in which she co-hosts with Matt Roloff. Before they get together on this venture, Amy is warned that her LPBW ex-husband will likely try to take control.

As far as Amy is concerned, that’s not happening. So, many Little People, Big World fans foresee this divorced couple creating friction as they rub elbows to get this venture off the ground.

Little People, Big World: Chris Marek - Amy Roloff - Matt Roloff - Caryn Chandler

The Little People, Big World preview shows snippets of the two trying to work together. Tempers flare, leaving Amy’s husband, Chris Marek, and Matt’s fiancé, Caryn Chandler, standing in the background doing the only thing they can do – just watch.

It becomes apparent that the LPBW divorced couple vie for the boss’s cap when getting this event together. But, from what the preview shows, it looks like Amy Roloff gets to wear it the majority of the time.

LPBW: Amy’s Reaction to Caryn Chandler’s Engagement Worries Matt

Matt said that he asked Caryn to marry him and she said yes. So, the engaged couple looks at the next hurdle. Matt is apprehensive about what Amy Roloff will say about this. So, when Amy and Chris sit down with Matt and Caryn, the ex-husband is visibly uneasy.

Matt said he hadn’t seen Amy since he and Caryn became engaged. Then he wondered if his ex-wife would cause problems. He said, “I don’t know if she’s going to make things awkward.” That was surprising for many of the Little People, Big World fans to hear.

After all, Matt and Caryn are at the home that Amy Roloff shares with her new husband. But Amy cuts to the chase on the LPBW preview. Using a little bit of an icy tone, she addresses Caryn Chandler’s ring.

Little People, Big World: Caryn Beckoned to Show the Ring

As they sit down at the table, the Little People, Big World matriarch, turns to Caryn and says, “Let’s see the ring.” The look on her face seemed to coincide with her commanding tone. Caryn’s groom-to-be offers an “oh boy” when his ex beckons Caryn Chandler’s hand.

Amy’s facial expression is one you’d expect from someone doing a task that they don’t want to do. But with her hand out towards Caryn, the clip cuts out. That said, it looks like we need to watch the new season for the ending of that scene.

So, Caryn and Matt plan to get married. But for some reason, the Little People, Big World patriarch is concerned over what his ex thinks about that.

You have to wonder what Caryn Chandler thinks about her future husband’s apprehension when telling his ex-wife.

Well, Amy Roloff now knows that Caryn Chandler will soon be a stepmother to her kids and step-grandmother to her grandchildren. But most of all, Caryn Chandler is about to marry Amy Roloff’s ex-husband, as this all plays out in the TLC series.

Little People, Big World rolls out Season 25 on Tuesday, February 20, at 9 pm on TLC.

Head back to Soap Dirt for the latest on Little People, Big World.


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