Little People Big World

Breaking News :Matt Roloff Explains Who Really Runs The Farm Now

Matt Roloff - Little People Big World - TLC YouTube

Little People, Big World star Matt Roloff opened up and revealed a lot of things to his TLC fans this weekend, and explained who runs the farm in Oregon. Years ago, Caryn Chandler was employed as a farm manager, but since then, others helped with it. Now that the NDA with TLC ended, fans learned a lot more about what’s going on with the whole family.

LPBW Fans Thought Zach Might Manage The Farm

Zach Roloff stayed on the farm after Molly, Jacob, and Jeremy left. For years, he worked each day and as he’d done it for so long, many people thought he’d be the obvious choice as manager when Matt retired. Unfortunately, like his brother, Jeremy his dad wouldn’t sell him a portion of the land. So, he and Tori took the kids and relocated to Washington.

LPBW - Zach & Tori Roloff - YouTube
LPBW – Zach & Tori Roloff – YouTube

Jeremy and Audrey found their own farm close to her parents, so their lives took a different road. After Matt Roloff purchased a section of land from Amy, he listed it for sale a few times and turned it into an Airbnb. Although he spends a lot of time in Arizona, he still oversees the farm matters daily. If he’s away, he discusses the day’s work remotely. But, does the LPBW star have any of his family helping with running the farm?


TLC Star Matt Roloff Reveals Who Runs The Farm

Little People, Big World fans who follow the patriarch on Facebook saw a very long post from him this weekend. There, he laid out the news about everyone. Mentioning Jeremy, he seemed very proud that he works on his projects on his piece of land. Meanwhile, he also talked about Zach who continues to develop his property in Washington. Molly also got an update, and so did Jacob Roloff.

Little people Big World - Matt Roloff - Facebook
Little People, Big World – Matt Roloff – Facebook

Matt Roloff told his LPBW fans:

Our youngest who broke away from ‘the crazy train’ early to go see the world now in a poetic turn of events has returned with his family to an open canvas of opportunity. He’s taking great advantage of many possibilities. The 90+ acre farm. He is living and working full time with his wife and son Mateo (named in my honor) on the farm….Me, Caryn and Jacob’s family live and work on [the farm.]


Jacob Roloff - Instagram
Jacob Roloff – Instagram

What are your thoughts about Jacob being so involved in farming activities? Are you glad that Matt has someone he can trust to help run the place? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here often for all your Little People, Big World news.

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