Little People Big World

‘LPBW’ Drama: Will Caryn Truly Destroy Matt’s Life and Career, as Speculated? – Famous People

‘LPBW’ Drama: Will Caryn Truly Destroy Matt’s Life and Career, as Speculated? – Famous People

The introduction of Caryn to the Roloff family and her subsequent engagement to Matt has brought about a shift in dynamics within the LPBW clan.

Starting as the farm’s manager, Caryn’s involvement with Matt has progressed to the point where they plan to walk down the aisle together.

However, this relationship has not been well-received by a majority of Little People Big World viewers,

who believe it could potentially lead to negative consequences for Matt’s life and career. But what are the reasons behind these concerns?

Matt and Caryn made their relationship official several years ago, initially as boyfriend and girlfriend.

In 2023, Matt proposed to Caryn, and they are currently engaged with plans for marriage.

However, some viewers feel that this relationship could have detrimental effects on Matt’s life and career.

Many fans draw comparisons between Caryn and Robyn Brown from Sister Wives, considering Robyn as the core reason for the breakdown of the entire Brown family. Similarly, some viewers view Caryn as a disruptive force within the Roloff family. After Matt introduced her into the family, the once-unified Roloffs experienced fractures. Zach and Jeremy decided to give up on their dream of living on the farm with their family, choosing to move on instead. This decision came after Matt decided not to pass down the Roloff farms to his children. Critics speculate that Caryn played a role in this outcome, attributing the family’s disintegration to her influence. Additionally, the departure of Zach and Tori from the family show is seen as a further consequence that could potentially impact the ratings of the franchise.


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