
‘Little People Big World’ Josiah Roloff Distressed, What Happened?

Josiah Roloff - YouTube

Little People, Big World star Tori Roloff took Jackson and Josiah Roloff on an outing, and her youngest son seemed very distressed. And, it wasn’t just the cold weather that troubled him. Read on to see the video of the littlest TLC star in the family.

LPBW Josiah Roloff Seems A Lot Like Jackson

Just a day or so again, Tori Roloff shared some photos of Josiah and many fans thought that with his short haircut, he looked exactly like Jackson. Jackson Roloff takes his big brother role seriously, and at Christmas, he made sure to show his little brother the train that ran around the tree.

Little People, Big World kids, Jackson, Josiah and Lilah Roloff - Instagram 1
Little People, Big World Kids, Jackson, Josiah, and Lilah Roloff – Instagram

Josiah Roloff can’t play soccer like his big brother yet, but the tiny TLC star is working on it. Even his sister, Lilah tries on occasion. However, she seems to prefer dancing. In the soccer-crazy family, it’s not hard to imagine a future with Zach and the two boys going to many tournaments. But initially, Josiah didn’t like another thing that Jackson Roloff loves.



LPBW Fans See Tori Roloff’s Son Distressed

This weekend, Little People, Big World fans saw that Josiah seemed afraid because his parents took the kids to an airshow. On an Instagram, story the first plane that arrived overhead scared the tiny tot. Of course, TLC fans do not need to be told that Jackson Roloff is crazy about planes. In fact, he wants to be a pilot one day.

Although he was afraid, Josiah Roloff kept saying to his mom, “ma more!” Later, the cute LPBW kid decided he did like the planes. His mom shared another reel with him playing with a toy. In her caption, she said, “Just like his brother!”

After all the excitement, Tori Roloff showed her son looking a bit tuckered out. She captioned it by saying that it was “Freezing but it was fun.”

Jackson and Josiah Roloff Via Tori Roloff Instagram
Jackson and Josiah Roloff Via Tori Roloff Instagram

These days, Tori and Zach Roloff’s kids don’t get to visit their grandfather, Matt Roloff that often, since the move to Washington. But probably, Jackson remembers how Matt built an awesome wooden plane for him to play in. At the grand opening of it during the Pumpkin Season festival at the Hillsboro farm, Jackson froze, terrified of the crowd. Perhaps one day, Josiah will ask his dad Zach to make him one.

What are your thoughts about Josiah Roloff initially feeling distressed by the sound of the planes, but cheering up later? Are you happy that he seems as much in love with planes as his brother, Jackson Roloff?  Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your Little People, Big World news.

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